How Virtual Media Training Prepares Clients for Success

Feb 24

Written by Courtney Ryan

Our clients find themselves in front of the camera quite often. In a world that has rapidly changed over the past year, it’s important they are prepared not only for traditional interviews but virtual interviews as well.

For the past 15 years, our media team has trained clients who have appeared on top national broadcasts such as The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many more. However, it doesn’t matter how big or small the interview is, our goal is to make sure our clients are always prepared.

This past month, LS2group held three virtual media trainings. The trainings teach spokespersons the fundamental skills and appropriate interview etiquette while on camera. The trainings provide the spokespersons with the tools they need to be successful in front of the camera no matter the situation.

A couple of the key takeaways from our virtual trainings includes interview etiquette. Tips for virtual interview etiquette are below.

Virtual Interview Etiquette

  • Be mindful of your background.
  • Keep movements to a minimum.
  • Stay on mute until it’s your turn to speak.
  • Look directly into the camera and have good lighting.

Another key takeaway from the training is how to craft key message points. When we talk about crafting a message, we like to tell our clients to remember the Three Cs.

The Three Cs

  • Concise: keep your message short and to the point. When on camera, you have a short time frame to get a good sound bite.
  • Conversational: be conversational in your interview. The audience will not respond well to people who sound robotic. Also, be sure to use plain language and avoid using industry jargon.
  • Credible: speak with confidence and double-check any statistics ahead of the interview. Be sure to speak to only what you know.

LS2group always sets its clients up for success. These are just a few examples of what clients learn in our training. If you are interested in media training, contact [email protected].
