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Nancy Holmes was coaxed out of retirement to join LS2group.

在 14 个月的退休生活中,南希辛辛苦苦地宠坏了她的四个孙女,并沉迷于她对烹饪、编织、阅读、缝纫和公路旅行的热情。

在加入 LS2group 之前,Nancy 在得梅因的东高中教了 20 年摄影和英语。她被提名为美国教师名人录。

Nancy Holmes graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a double major in journalism and graphic arts. She was a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, serving as president of the campus chapter her senior year. She was also nominated to the Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

