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Gavin Kreidler

Asesor sénior, Kansas

Gavin Kreidler se especializa en campañas y comunicaciones de asuntos públicos.

Gavin’s political career began in Sedgwick County at the age of fourteen when he began working political campaigns for a local city council member. After many campaigns and a position with Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins and the Hein Law Firm in Topeka, Gavin Kreidler decided to capitalize on his strong relationships. Kreidler has represented trade associations, coalitions consisting of Fortune 100 companies, and non-profit organizations.

Los clientes de Gavin lo respetan por su incansable dedicación a sus problemas y valoran su reputación como un asesor político honesto, comprometido e inteligente. Su sincero interés en la gente le ha permitido desarrollar relaciones significativas con legisladores, personal de apoyo, otros cabilderos y funcionarios gubernamentales.
