When Hyperion Field Club reached out to LS2group, they were aiming to market to a diverse group of potential members: a growing population of young professionals looking to find a health and fitness center that fits their lifestyles and budgets and a Gen X and Gen Y population who likely want family friendly services.
Reaching a diverse group through effective marketing can be challenging, so LS2group was tasked with developing a robust marketing campaign that spoke to each target audience and primarily focused on gaining members in the greater Des Moines area, specifically families and young professionals.
Our marketing team worked closely with Hyperion to more clearly define its target audience, conducted marketing research on local competitors and country club trends, and created messaging that would resonate with potential new members. Once the audience and messages were defined, LS2group developed, designed, and distributed new member materials for Hyperion that were friendlier, more inviting, and more in tune with the interests of young professionals and families.
Through a variety of brochures, flyers, and other promotional items, LS2group was able to provide Hyperion with the most effective messages to gain and attract new members in their clearly defined target audiences.